Dhamma Surabhi, morning hours, day 11.
Coldwater river, Merritt, BC
It is currently January the 2nd 2011, 1.37am. The time since I came back to Vancouver on the 19th of Dec has been intense, with so many many things happening in my life that I could make another blog about them... Or perhaps a soap opera manuscript.
To summarize, the practice of meditation definitely has great impact on ones everyday life on every level, promoting change and growth in a variety of ways.
In 3 days I return to Dhamma Surabhi for another 10 days as a server to further deepen my practice and expand the foundation of awareness that I have begun building through my vipassana practice, with the current goal of rediscovering my capacity to lead a life of trust in Self and empowerment in a vibrantly busy city. A skill that has been dislocated to me for quite a while now.
I will keep sharing my experiences on this blog for anyone who is interested.
Wishing you a wonderful 2011, full of growth, inspiration, and prosperity on all levels.
May you all be happy,
Final Destination 2, awesome movie ;)
The winds of change are in the air
Approaching Vancouver downtown, seen from East Hastings street
I look forward to hearing about your journey Noah, all the best!